Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday

Word “Lift”

Psalm 40:2

He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.

It is no secret that I was a bad girl for a season, but not a lift time. It was because of God’s grace that I was lifted up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay that held me trapped in the enemy’s dungeon.

Father God then set my feet up a rock making my footsteps firm, however that this did not happen right away, as my soul was weak and hungry from the time that I was held in the dungeon. My soul thirsty for the Word of God, my eyes were blind with grey smoke, lips were sealed with tears, and my ears were blocked with ash.

First Father God protected me and concealed me from the enemy and commanded His angels to fight my battle for me while I was healing in His presences.

Psalm 27: 5

For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock.

Father God did not lift me up from the pit and leave me to fall again, no He lifted me from the pit in my weakened state and then he carried me to His tabernacle, where He concealed me.

There in the safety of His arms, he gave my soul the living water it thrust for.

He cleaned my eyes with His caring touch, just like a father would wipe away the tears from his daughter’s eyes, so that I could see the love He had for me.

He then blew into my ears, removing the ash that blocked me from hearing His Word.

He touched my lips, but only when I was ready to stand again on my own, so that I could go out and speak the gospel to everyone that would be willing to listen.

I did wonder why he left my lips sealed to the last moment, but then I realized that He did this on purpose, because sometimes we forget how to listen to Jesus because we are too busy asking for something. He kept my lips sealed for a time so that I could listen to Him first. 

So that I could absorb the love in His arms, before he set my lips free and my tongue on fire to preach the gospel.  

That’s my five minutes up…until next week, GOD BLESS YOU!

Should you be interested in reading my personal blog, please feel free to navigate to the below link! 

Five Minute Friday

Word “Hidden” - 29 July 2016

Psalm 119: 114 KJV

Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.

Recently I have been undergoing a serious spiritual attack, this attack has actually been quite nasty, however I have somehow always been one step ahead of the arrows that were shot in my direction.

Needless to say my attacker (a real person in the flesh none the less) is fuming with anger because it is like I am invisible, untouchable. It is like I am hiding, however I am in plain sight.

When I saw this word this morning, I was quite amused as this was something that God revealed to me with my ongoing situation, with this spiritual attack I have been facing for the past three months.

In fact, I want to take you back to a dream that I had (you can read this dream of mine on my blog), after I had this dream so much in my life changed, overnight to be exact, funny enough it changed as though my life was hit with a Tsunami.

After missing so many arrows aimed in my direction, I started to realize that God was directing me, and because I had faith in God, I am always one step ahead of my attacker. In return I noticed how aggravated my attacker is getting. My attacker cannot find me, he could cannot touch me, even though I am in plain sight I am actually hidden.

God then showed me this verse, “Psalm 119:114, Thou art my hiding place”, and that is when I released that I was like a little girl, who gets scared and runs to her father and climbs on his lap and buries her head into her father’s chest. As children we like to believe that if you cannot see them then they cannot see you.

Well this was the revelation that I had with this verse. I am the little girl that ran as fast as my little legs could carry me to my Fathers lap, I climbed onto his lap with His help of course, (I mean His lap is huge, if He can use the earth as His footstool, Isaiah 66:1 Thus says the LORD, "Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest?), and buried my head into His chest. I couldn’t see the attack coming, I couldn’t predict what arrow is going to shoot me next, but I trust that because I couldn’t see them they couldn’t see me, I trust in the Father to keep me safe, and HIDDEN!

Yes, I am in plain sight of my attacker, but God blinded him so that he cannot find me, but not only am I hidden in Christ, God lead me so that I am one step ahead of him each time, I am not only protected but God armed me with my own bow and arrows.

That’s my five minutes up…until next week, GOD BLESS YOU!

Should you be interested in reading my personal blog, please feel free to navigate to the below link! 

Five Minute Friday

Word “Help” - 22 July 2016

Psalm 121: 1 - 3 NIV

I will Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills

1A Song of Ascents. I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From where shall my help come? 2My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. 3He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.…

I have always though that there was more to the word “help” than, someone just assisting someone else with a project or task at hand. Think about it, when you help someone, you usually show leadership and power. It means that the person you are assisting need some form or leadership or power they might not have had themselves. Or you requested help because you lacked the leadership and power at that time.
This morning when I was reading the Five Minute Friday word, the above scripture popped into my head. Psalm 121: 1-3, where the question is asked, where shall my help come from? This brought the question to mind, what does this really mean, what does the word help really mean?
Well I was thinking about the word and what this scripture meant, I started praying for guidance on the word “help” and the words below was what was formed in my head.

H – Holy Spirit
E – Engaging
L – Leadership
P – Power

Holy Spirit engaging leadership and power. The Bible scripture does say that “our help comes from the Lord”, well I believe that the help that we require is our Fathers leadership through our journey He created and His power to prevail through the enemy’s attacks in our everyday life. We are fighting in a constant spiritual battle between good and evil. We are constantly in warfare.
I also believe that we are made in His image just as the Bible tells us, therefore it is a gift from our Father that we can help others as well, help other Christians or lost sheep with leadership and power, just as the Lord helps us.   

Father God provides us with the leadership we require and the power to pray and fight this battle with Him. We have His help; therefore, I am not afraid. I don’t need to know what the battle plan is, I just need His leadership and the power of prayer!

That’s my five minutes up…until next week, GOD BLESS YOU!

Should you be interested in reading my personal blog, please feel free to navigate to the below link! 

Five Minute Friday

Word ''Build" - 08 July 2016

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 NIV
10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.

Jesus Christ has laid a foundation out for us to build our lives on. He is the only one that can lay down a stable foundation to build on. Therefore if we do not allow God to lay this foundation for us we will be building on sand and not stone.
Jesus Christ is also a wise builder, the best builder because I mean just look around, it is amazing the things that God has created and brought to life.
We are made in Gods image, we are not God, but we are made in His image, therefore we can also be wise builders.
However as I have previously wrote about the ‘’Identity Theft’’ (, so will the work of our building be tested to see if it is true, if it is strong. In verse 13 it states ‘’their work will be shown for what it is’’, so should our work not be true and righteous it will not stand the test of fire.
Now I am unsure what the test of fire is, somehow I personally think the test of fire is the troubles that we face in our life, the arrows the enemy throws our way. That should our building be strong and righteous (our faith) then it will stand the test of fire and will not burn and God will receive all the glory and rewards, because we have built up a strong faith in our God.
But should our building be weak, (our faith) it will go up in flames as soon as we are tested in life with fire and God would suffer the loss of a sheep, even though we would just barely escape through the flames our building (our faith) and foundation would be destroyed.
Therefore I believe that if we build our faith on the strong foundation that Jesus Christ, the Wise Builder has laid down for us, and then we will be tested with fire, because the enemy will try and stop you, but we can prosper with God before us!

That’s my five minutes up…until next week, GOD BLESS YOU!

Should you be interested in reading my personal blog, please feel free to navigate to the below link! 


  1. Hi, I'm your neighbour at FMF today. We thought along similar lines with the prompt! I love that with Jesus as our foundation we can be secure, even in the midst of the attacks and storms.

  2. Thank you, yes it is amazing. It is also amazing how God lead our minds to the same conclusion.

  3. Great insights! Thank for sharing your thoughts and wisdom :)

  4. Lovely...I like the thought of being hidden in God...Perfect place to be.... In fact the only place to be....

  5. I love how you described the process of LIFTING. So rarely is it a quick fix. I can imagine the Father gently and methodically transforming you. Lovely. (your neighbour from FMF#17 this week)
